On this Project Blizzard Air Conditioning had to Installed Two (2) 20 Ton Split System units. School Originally had chilled water system. One (1) 5 Ton Split System and One(1) 7.5 HP VFD for Pembroke Pines Chartwells Kitchen project.
This Project location was in the kitchen and had to be completed before school starts. Equipment and materials were ordered ahead of time so everything was ready for the commencement of this Project.
A new concrete slab was poured for the Condensing Units.
New VFDs were installed for the AHU to better control humidity of the kitchen.
New refrigeration lines were also installed.
Duct work was made of 2”double walled so no fiber glass insulation is exposed inside or outside of the duct.
During the installation of the ducts we provided one of our Gennie Lifts Equipment to assist us with the placing of the new ducts due to the weight. The Gennie Lift made the process easier and faster.
For the set up of the Condensing Units we contacted a local Crane Company to assist us with the transportation and placing of new Condensing Units on the ground.
On this Project the installation of the refrigeration lines was the most challenging and time consuming due to the long distance between Air Handler Unis and Condensing Units.
At the end the whole System was left pressurized for 48 hours to make sure there was no Refrigerant leaks.
The Newly installed Units were left on overnight doing a deep vacuum to make sure there was not any air and/or humidity in the Systems for the next day start up
Testing, adjusting, and reporting required was provided for test and balance.